Monday, December 27, 2010

Major League Baseball's College Scholarship Program

In the early 1960s, the Major League Baseball Clubs established the Professional Baseball Scholarship Plan to help baseball players further their college educations.  A players is eligible for this program if it has been included in their first year Uniform Player Contract.  Not all players are eligible to receive the benefits of this program.

The basic agreements and guidelines of the scholarship program can be found here:

 During my research I found that a great number of Arizona Fall League players rec'd some version of the Professional Baseball Scholarship Plan included in their first year contracts.

However,  of  the 22 players that rec'd a version of the Professional Baseball Scholarship Plan only 4 had since returned to school to complete additional coursework.  Three players re-enrolled during the fall semester during an offseason and one player had taken additional coursework online. 

More assistance is needed to assist ballplayers in taking the necessary steps to finish their education before or immediately after their playing careers are over.  Their chance for success outside the game of baseball increases if they have their four-year college degree.  

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